' . 'night/Dry '; $weathercond = 'Dry'; $Currentsolardescription = 'night/Dry '; $current_summary = $Currentsolardescription; $current_summary = preg_replace('|^/[^/]+/|','',$current_summary); $current_summary = preg_replace('|\\\\|',', ',$current_summary); $current_summary = preg_replace('|/|',', ',$current_summary); // // $cloudheightfeet = '1085'; // Estimated cloud base height, feet, (based on dew point, and you height above sea level...enter $cloudheightmeters = '331'; // Estimated cloud base height, metres, (based on dew point, and you height above sea // end of stock testtags.txt // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // begin mchallis tags added to testtags.txt for printable flyer $maxgsthrtime = '19:39'; // time that the max gust last prior 1 hour occured $minbaroyest = '1010.6 hPa'; $minbaroyestt = '00:00'; $mrecordlowbaro = '1001.0'; $mrecordlowbaroday = '10'; $mrecordlowbaromonth = '11'; $mrecordlowbaroyear = '2018'; $yrecordlowbaro = '979.4'; $yrecordlowbaroday = '18'; $yrecordlowbaromonth = '1'; $yrecordlowbaroyear = '2018'; // end mchallis tags added to testtags.txt for printable flyer // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // New WebsterWeatherLive VER 4.10 tags //---------------------------------------------- $lighteningbearing = '0'; $lighteningdistance = '0'; $lighteningcountlasthournextstorm = '0'; $lighteningcountlastminutenextstorm = '0'; $lighteningcountlast12hournextstorm = '0'; $lighteningcountlast30minutesnextstorm = '0'; $timeofdaygreeting = 'Evening'; $avwindlastimediate60 = '8.2 km/h'; // average wind speed $avwindlastimediate120 = '8.1 km/h'; // average wind speed $currentmonthaveragerain = '---'; // average rain for current month // // version 5.00+ $avwindlastimediate15 = '7.7 km/h'; // average wind speed $avwindlastimediate30 = '7.4 km/h'; // average wind speed $todayhihumidex = '12.8'; //daily high humidex $todaylohumidex = '8.1'; //Daily low Humidex //Version 5.02 $dayornight = 'Night'; // Day or night flag //Version 6.20 $tempchangelasthourfaren = '-0.6'; //For snow prediction $abshum = '5.7876'; //For snow prediction $maxtemp4today = '15.0'; // max from station's records $mintemp4today = '-1.6'; // min from station's records $maxtemp4todayyr = '2009'; // max year from station's records $mintemp4todayyr = '2016'; // min year from station's records $avsnowjan = '3.3'; //Average snow for jan from your inputted snow data (cm) $avsnowfeb = '1.1'; //Average snow for feb from your inputted snow data (cm) $avsnowmar = '0.5'; //Average snow for mar from your inputted snow data (cm) $avsnowapr = '0.0'; //Average snow for apr from your inputted snow data (cm) $avsnowmay = '0.0'; //Average snow for may from your inputted snow data (cm) $avsnowjun = '0.0'; //Average snow for may from your inputted snow data (cm) $avsnowjul = '0.0'; //Average snow for jul from your inputted snow data (cm) $avsnowaug = '0.0'; //Average snow for aug from your inputted snow data (cm) $avsnowsep = '0.0'; //Average snow for sep from your inputted snow data (cm) $avsnowoct = '0.0'; //Average snow for oct from your inputted snow data (cm) $avsnownov = '0.0'; //Average snow for nov from your inputted snow data (cm) $avsnowdec = '0.0'; //Average snow for dec from your inputted snow data (cm) $avsnowjannow = '0.0'; $avsnowfebnow = '0.0'; $avsnowmarnow = '0.0'; $avsnowaprnow = '0.0'; $avsnowmaynow = '0.0'; $avsnowjunnow = '0.0'; $avsnowjulnow = '0.0'; $avsnowaugnow = '0.0'; $avsnowsepnow = '0.0'; $avsnowoctnow = '0.0'; $avsnownovnow = '0.0'; $avsnowdecnow = '0.0'; // end of websterweather additions // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // relayweather wxglobalwarming // For Temperature Trend Chart, you Need to add the following to your testtags file if they don't yet exist: $avtempjannow = '4.4'; $avtempfebnow = '0.0'; $avtempmarnow = '4.3'; $avtempaprnow = '13.2'; $avtempmaynow = '17.8'; $avtempjunnow = '18.2'; $avtempjulnow = '21.7'; $avtempaugnow = '19.6'; $avtempsepnow = '15.5'; $avtempoctnow = '12.0'; $avtempnovnow = '9.9'; $avtempdecnow = '4.2'; $avtempjan = '2.8';//Average temperature for january from your data $avtempfeb = '2.9';//Average temperature for february from your data $avtempmar = '5.9';//Average temperature for march from your data $avtempapr = '10.7';//Average temperature for april from your data $avtempmay = '14.4';//Average temperature for may from your data $avtempjun = '17.1';//Average temperature for june from your data $avtempjul = '19.1';//Average temperature for july from your data $avtempaug = '18.2';//Average temperature for august from your data $avtempsep = '14.7';//Average temperature for september from your data $avtempoct = '10.6';//Average temperature for october from your data $avtempnov = '6.8';//Average temperature for november from your data $avtempdec = '3.3';//Average temperature for december from your data //For the Rain Trending Chart, you Need to add the following to your testtags file if they don't yet exist: //Start Rain Trending $avrainjan = '61.1'; $avrainfeb = '44.8'; $avrainmar = '44.7'; $avrainapr = '30.4'; $avrainmay = '55.9'; $avrainjun = '62.4'; $avrainjul = '78.8'; $avrainaug = '74.5'; $avrainsep = '60.0'; $avrainoct = '60.4'; $avrainnov = '65.2'; $avraindec = '66.3'; $avrainjannow = '93.4'; $avrainfebnow = '13.2'; $avrainmarnow = '33.2'; $avrainaprnow = '42.0'; $avrainmaynow = '59.8'; $avrainjunnow = '32.4'; $avrainjulnow = '16.2'; $avrainaugnow = '65.2'; $avrainsepnow = '31.8'; $avrainoctnow = '30.6'; $avrainnovnow = '15.6'; $avraindecnow = '84.6'; //End Rain Trending // end of relayweather tags // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // eastmasonville wxrecord.php tags $recordhightemp = '38.3'; $recordlowtemp = '-14.6'; $recordhighheatindex = '57.9'; $recordlowchill = '-21.7'; $warmestdayonrecord = '37.7°C on: 02 Jul 2015'; $warmestnightonrecord = '28.2°C on: 27 Jul 2018'; $coldestdayonrecord = '-8.6°C on: 19 Dec 2009'; $coldestnightonrecord = '-11.0°C on: 07 Feb 2012'; $recordwindgust = '85.1'; $recordwindspeed = '88.8'; $recordhighwindrun = '569.4'; $recorddailyrain = '51.7'; $recordhighrainmth = '148.4'; $recordrainrate = '10.0'; $recorddayswithrain = '15'; $recorddaysnorain = '37'; $recordhighdew = '32.6'; $recordlowdew = '-37.3'; $recordhighhum = '100'; $recordlowhum = '0'; $recordhighbaro = '1049.7'; $recordlowbaro = '963.7'; $recordhighsolar = '1586.0'; $recordhightempmonth = '7'; $recordhightempday = '2'; $recordhightempyear = '2015'; $recordlowtempmonth = '2'; $recordlowtempday = '7'; $recordlowtempyear = '2012'; $recordhighheatindexmonth = '7'; $recordhighheatindexday = '19'; $recordhighheatindexyear = '2014'; $recordlowchillmonth = '2'; $recordlowchillday = '7'; $recordlowchillyear = '2012'; $recordhighgustmonth = '2'; $recordhighgustday = '23'; $recordhighgustyear = '2017'; $recordhighavwindmonth = '8'; $recordhighavwindday = '30'; $recordhighavwindyear = '2010'; $recordhighwindrunmth = '3'; $recordhighwindrunday = '17'; $recordhighwindrunyr = '2018'; $recorddailyrainmonth = '8'; $recorddailyrainday = '26'; $recorddailyrainyear = '2010'; $recordhighrainmthmth = '1'; $recordhighrainmthyr = '2013'; $recordrainratemonth = '8'; $recordrainrateday = '10'; $recordrainrateyear = '2014'; $recorddayswithrainmonth = '11'; $recorddayswithrainday = '11'; $recorddayswithrainyear = '2013'; $recorddaysnorainmonth = '1'; $recorddaysnorainday = '27'; $recorddaysnorainyear = '2013'; $recordhighdewmonth = '7'; $recordhighdewday = '19'; $recordhighdewyear = '2014'; $recordlowdewmonth = '2'; $recordlowdewday = '1'; $recordlowdewyear = '2017'; $recordhighhummonth = '12'; $recordhighhumday = '30'; $recordhighhumyear = '2013'; $recordlowhummonth = '5'; $recordlowhumday = '19'; $recordlowhumyear = '2015'; $recordhighbaromonth = '2'; $recordhighbaroday = '16'; $recordhighbaroyear = '2008'; $recordlowbaromonth = '1'; $recordlowbaroday = '23'; $recordlowbaroyear = '2009'; $recordhighsolarmonth = '6'; $recordhighsolarday = '22'; $recordhighsolaryear = '2018'; $recordhighuv = '8.2'; $recordhighuvmonth = '6'; $recordhighuvday = '18'; $recordhighuvyear = '2018'; $yrecordhighheatindex = '37.7'; $yrecordhighheatindexmonth = '7'; $yrecordhighheatindexday = '26'; $yrecordhighheatindexyear = '2018'; $ywarmestdayonrecord = '31.0°C on: 27 Jul 2018'; $ywarmestnightonrecord = '28.2°C on: 27 Jul 2018'; $ycoldestdayonrecord = '-7.8°C on: 28 Feb 2018'; $ycoldestnightonrecord = '-8.9°C on: 01 Mar 2018'; $yrecordhighwindrun = '569.4'; $yrecordhighwindrunmth = '3'; $yrecordhighwindrunday = '17'; $yrecordhighwindrunyr = '2018'; $yrecorddailyrain = '26.4'; $yrecordhighrainmth = '93.4'; $yrecordrainrate = '3.8'; $yrecorddayswithrain = '7'; $yrecorddaysnorain = '15'; $yrecordhighdew = '21.3'; $yrecordlowdew = '-16.2'; $yrecordhighhum = '95'; $yrecordlowhum = '0'; $yrecorddailyrainmonth = '5'; $yrecorddailyrainday = '29'; $yrecorddailyrainyear = '2018'; $yrecordhighrainmthmth = '1'; $yrecordhighrainmthyr = '2018'; $yrecordrainratemonth = '5'; $yrecordrainrateday = '29'; $yrecordrainrateyear = '2018'; $yrecorddayswithrainmonth = '9'; $yrecorddayswithrainday = '24'; $yrecorddaysnorainmonth = '7'; $yrecorddaysnorainday = '9'; $yrecordhighdewmonth = '6'; $yrecordhighdewday = '1'; $yrecordhighdewyear = '2018'; $yrecordlowdewmonth = '3'; $yrecordlowdewday = '19'; $yrecordlowdewyear = '2018'; $yrecordhighhummonth = '6'; $yrecordhighhumday = '1'; $yrecordhighhumyear = '2018'; $yrecordlowhummonth = '5'; $yrecordlowhumday = '9'; $yrecordlowhumyear = '2018'; $yrecordhighsolar = '1586.0'; $yrecordhighsolarmonth = '6'; $yrecordhighsolarday = '22'; $yrecordhighsolaryear = '2018'; $yrecordhighuv = '8.2'; $yrecordhighuvmonth = '6'; $yrecordhighuvday = '18'; $yrecordhighuvyear = '2018'; $mrecordhighheatindex = '17.6'; $mrecordhighheatindexmonth = '11'; $mrecordhighheatindexday = '6'; $mrecordhighheatindexyear = '2018'; $mrecordhighwindrun = '172.7'; $mrecordhighwindrunmth = '11'; $mrecordhighwindrunday = '13'; $mrecordhighwindrunyr = '2018'; $mrecorddailyrain = '4.8'; $mrecordhighrainmth = '15.6'; $mrecordrainrate = '0.6'; $mrecorddayswithrain = '3'; $mrecorddaysnorain = '5'; $mrecordhighdew = '11.8'; $mrecordlowdew = '-1.4'; $mrecordhighhum = '94'; $mrecordlowhum = '60'; $mrecorddailyrainmonth = '11'; $mrecorddailyrainday = '11'; $mrecorddailyrainyear = '2018'; $mrecordhighrainmthmth = '11'; $mrecordhighrainmthyr = '2018'; $mrecordrainratemonth = '11'; $mrecordrainrateday = '11'; $mrecordrainrateyear = '2018'; $mrecorddayswithrainmonth = '11'; $mrecorddayswithrainday = '2'; $mrecorddaysnorainmonth = '11'; $mrecorddaysnorainday = '9'; $mrecordhighdewmonth = '11'; $mrecordhighdewday = '6'; $mrecordhighdewyear = '2018'; $mrecordlowdewmonth = '11'; $mrecordlowdewday = '4'; $mrecordlowdewyear = '2018'; $mrecordhighhummonth = '11'; $mrecordhighhumday = '6'; $mrecordhighhumyear = '2018'; $mrecordlowhummonth = '11'; $mrecordlowhumday = '7'; $mrecordlowhumyear = '2018'; $myrecordhighbaromonth = '11'; $mrecordhighsolar = '666.9'; $mrecordhighsolarmonth = '11'; $mrecordhighsolarday = '2'; $mrecordhighsolaryear = '2018'; $mrecordhighuv = '1.5'; $mrecordhighuvmonth = '11'; $mrecordhighuvday = '2'; $mrecordhighuvyear = '2018'; // end of eastmasonville wxrecord.php tags // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // other addons $vpissstatus = 'Ok'; // VP ISS Status $vpreception2 = '98%'; // VP Current reception % *** NEW IN V1.01 $vpconsolebattery = '4.6'; // VP Console Battery Volts *** NEW IN V1.01 $firewi = '0.0'; // Fire Weather Index $avtempweek = '9.9'; // Average Weekly Temp $hddday = '7.9'; // Heating Degree for day $hddmonth = '115.7'; // Heating Degree for month to date $hddyear = '2129.6'; // Heating Degree for year to date $cddday = '0.0'; // Cooling Degree for day $cddmonth = '0.0'; // Cooling Degree for month to date $cddyear = '273.4'; // Cooling Degree for year to date $minchillweek = '7.1'; // Minimum Wind Chill over past 7 days $maxheatweek = '10.3'; // Maximum Heat Index for the Week *** NEW IN V2.00 $airdensity = '1.260'; //air density $solarnoon = '12:16'; // Solar noon $changeinday = '-00:03:19'; // change in day length since yesterday $etcurrentweek = '5.3'; // ET total for the last 7 days $sunshinehourstodateday = '01:48'; $sunshinehourstodatemonth = '42:05'; $maxsolarfortime = '0'; $wetbulb = '2.0°C'; $lighteningcountlasthour = '0'; $lighteningcountlastminute = '0'; $lighteningcountlast5minutes = '0'; $lighteningcountlast12hour = '0'; $lighteningcountlast30minutes = '0'; $lighteningcountlasttime = ''; $lighteningcountmonth = '0'; $lighteningcountyear = '0'; $chandler = '-0.8'; $maxdew = '6.9 °C'; $maxdewt = '00:01'; $mindew = '6.9 °C'; $mindewt = '00:01'; $maxdewyest = '6.9 °C'; $maxdewyestt = '00:00'; $mindewyest = '6.9 °C'; $mindewyestt = '00:00'; $stationname = 'Wetterstation Nordhorn'; $raindifffromav = '---'; $raindifffromavyear = '433.4'; $gddmonth = '0.1'; $gddyear = '10.0'; $maxheat = '9.4 °C'; $maxheatt = '00:01'; $maxheatyest = '9.4 °C'; $yeartodateavtemp = '12.7'; $monthtodateavtemp = '9.9'; $maxchillyest = '8.7 °C'; $monthtodatemaxgust = '18.5'; $monthtodateavspeed = '8.0'; // MTD average wind speed $monthtodateavgust = '13.4'; //MTD average wind gust $yeartodateavwind = '6.3'; // YTD average wind speed $yeartodategstwind = '11.0'; // YTD avg wind gust $lowbaro = '1025.7 hPa'; $lowbarot = '00:01'; $monthtodatemaxbaro = '1025.7'; // MTD average wind speed $monthtodateminbaro = '1024.3'; //MTD average wind gust $sunshinehourstodateyear = '1803:30'; $sunshineyesterday = '00:11'; $avtempsincemidnight = '9.4'; $yesterdayavtemp = '0.0'; $avgspeedsincereset = '0.8'; $maxheatyestt = '00:00'; $windrunyesterday = '0.12'; $currentwdet = '0.7'; $yesterdaywdet = '0.2'; $highhum = '84'; $highhumt = '00:01'; $lowhum = '84'; $lowhumt = '00:01'; $maxhumyest = '84'; $maxhumyestt = '00:00'; $minhumyest = '84'; $minhumyestt = '00:00'; $recordhightempjan = '13.8'; $recordlowtempjan = '-12.3'; $recordhightempfeb = '14.0'; $recordlowtempfeb = '-14.6'; $recordhightempmar = '24.3'; $recordlowtempmar = '-9.2'; $recordhightempapr = '30.1'; $recordlowtempapr = '-3.6'; $recordhightempmay = '32.1'; $recordlowtempmay = '0.0'; $recordhightempjun = '35.0'; $recordlowtempjun = '-0.9'; $recordhightempjul = '38.3'; $recordlowtempjul = '-1.4'; $recordhightempaug = '36.8'; $recordlowtempaug = '1.4'; $recordhightempsep = '33.0'; $recordlowtempsep = '-1.3'; $recordhightempoct = '24.1'; $recordlowtempoct = '-2.4'; $recordhightempnov = '18.6'; $recordlowtempnov = '-6.4'; $recordhightempdec = '15.3'; $recordlowtempdec = '-12.3'; // // Tags for Leaf Measurements - Alternative Dashboard 6.5 & WXsoil 1.0 // $VPleaf = '0.0'; // Davis Leaf wetness #1 $VPleaf2 = '0.0'; // Davis leaf wetness #2 $VPleaf3 = '0.0'; // Davis leaf wetness #3 $VPleaf4 = '0.0'; // Davis leaf wetness #4 // // Tags for Soil Temperature/Moisture Measurements - Alternative Dashboard 6.5 & WXsoil 1.0 // // SENSOR #1 $soiltemp = '9°C'; // Davis soil temperature #1 $maxsoiltemp = '-100°C'; // Davis Max Soil Temp today #1 $minsoiltemp = '100°C'; // Davis Min Soil Temp today #1 $mrecordhighsoil = '12.8'; $mrecordlowsoil = '2.8'; $yrecordhighsoil = '45.0'; $yrecordlowsoil = '-3.9'; $recordhighsoil = '45.0'; $recordlowsoil = '-6.1'; // SENSOR #2 $VPsoiltemp2 = '10'; // Davis soil temperature #2 $hiVPsoiltemp2 = '-100'; // Davis Max Soil Temp today #2 $loVPsoiltemp2 = '100'; // Davis Min Soil Temp today #2 $mrecordhighsoil2 = '10.0'; $mrecordlowsoil2 = '0.0'; $yrecordhighsoil2 = '10.0'; $yrecordlowsoil2 = '0.0'; $recordhighsoil2 = '10.0'; $recordlowsoil2 = '0.0'; // SENSOR #3 $VPsoiltemp3 = '9'; // Davis soil temperature #3 $hiVPsoiltemp3 = '-100'; // Davis Max Soil Temp today #3 $loVPsoiltemp3 = '100'; // Davis Min Soil Temp today #3 $mrecordhighsoil3 = '22.2'; $mrecordlowsoil3 = '-1.1'; $yrecordhighsoil3 = '42.2'; $yrecordlowsoil3 = '-10.0'; $recordhighsoil3 = '42.2'; $recordlowsoil3 = '-10.0'; // SENSOR #4 $VPsoiltemp4 = '10'; // Davis soil temperature #4 $hiVPsoiltemp4 = '-100'; // Davis Max Soil Temp today #4 $loVPsoiltemp4 = '100'; // Davis Min Soil Temp today #4 $mrecordhighsoil4 = '10.0'; $mrecordlowsoil4 = '0.0'; $yrecordhighsoil4 = '10.0'; $yrecordlowsoil4 = '0.0'; $recordhighsoil4 = '10.0'; $recordlowsoil4 = '0.0'; // // Tags for Soil Moisture Measurements - Alternative Dashboard 6.5 & WXsoil 1.0 // // SENSOR #1 $VPsoilmoisture = '4.0'; //Davis Soil Moisture #1 $hiVPsoilmoisture = '-100.0'; $loVPsoilmoisture = '1000.0'; $mrecordhighsoilmonth = '11'; $mrecordhighsoilday = '8'; $mrecordlowsoilmonth = '11'; $mrecordlowsoilday = '4'; $yrecordhighsoilmonth = '7'; $yrecordhighsoilday = '27'; $yrecordlowsoilmonth = '3'; $yrecordlowsoilday = '2'; $recordhighsoilyear = '2018'; $recordhighsoilmonth = '7'; $recordhighsoilday = '27'; $recordlowsoilyear = '2016'; $recordlowsoilmonth = '12'; $recordlowsoilday = '5'; // SENSOR #2 $VPsoilmoisture2 = '255.0'; //Davis Soil Moisture #2 $hiVPsoilmoisture2 = '-100.0'; $loVPsoilmoisture2 = '1000.0'; $mrecordhighsoilmonth2 = '11'; $mrecordhighsoilday2 = '13'; $mrecordlowsoilmonth2 = '11'; $mrecordlowsoilday2 = '1'; $yrecordhighsoilmonth2 = '11'; $yrecordhighsoilday2 = '13'; $yrecordlowsoilmonth2 = '1'; $yrecordlowsoilday2 = '1'; $recordhighsoilyear2 = '2018'; $recordhighsoilmonth2 = '11'; $recordhighsoilday2 = '13'; $recordlowsoilyear2 = '2015'; $recordlowsoilmonth2 = '4'; $recordlowsoilday2 = '3'; // SENSOR #3 $VPsoilmoisture3 = '255.0'; //Davis Soil Moisture #3 $hiVPsoilmoisture3 = '-100.0'; $loVPsoilmoisture3 = '1000.0'; $mrecordhighsoilmonth3 = '11'; $mrecordhighsoilday3 = '7'; $mrecordlowsoilmonth3 = '11'; $mrecordlowsoilday3 = '4'; $yrecordhighsoilmonth3 = '7'; $yrecordhighsoilday3 = '27'; $yrecordlowsoilmonth3 = '2'; $yrecordlowsoilday3 = '27'; $recordhighsoilyear3 = '2018'; $recordhighsoilmonth3 = '7'; $recordhighsoilday3 = '27'; $recordlowsoilyear3 = '2018'; $recordlowsoilmonth3 = '2'; $recordlowsoilday3 = '27'; // SENSOR #4 $VPsoilmoisture4 = '255.0'; //Davis Soil Moisture #4 $hiVPsoilmoisture4 = '-100.0'; $mrecordhighsoilmonth4 = '11'; $mrecordhighsoilday4 = '13'; $mrecordlowsoilmonth4 = '11'; $mrecordlowsoilday4 = '1'; $yrecordhighsoilmonth4 = '11'; $yrecordhighsoilday4 = '13'; $yrecordlowsoilmonth4 = '1'; $yrecordlowsoilday4 = '1'; $loVPsoilmoisture4 = '1000.0'; $recordhighsoilyear4 = '2018'; $recordhighsoilmonth4 = '11'; $recordhighsoilday4 = '13'; $recordlowsoilyear4 = '2015'; $recordlowsoilmonth4 = '4'; $recordlowsoilday4 = '3'; $firstsnowseason = '14/1/2018'; $firstsnowseasonav = '21 of Januar'; // end of other addons // end of testtags.txt/testtags.php ?>